Friday, May 2, 2008


This is just a little site to update my friends and family about our daily trials. Doug and I have been married for almost 6 years, and together for 11. Together we have 7 children. Alyssa (16), Jessica (21), Tacie (17), Megan (almost 15), Chase (13), Robby (almost 13), and little Daxton (5). Alyssa, Chase, Robby and Daxton live at home, and Jessica, Tacie and Meg keep me worried from a distance. Jessica lives on her own, Tacie lives with her dad, amd Meg just moved with her mom. It has been a very hard adjustment for me to have Megan gone. I have helped raise her since she was 4 years old. She is doing very good, and we are proud of her. Alyssa is 16 going on 21. She is so busy that I never see her. She works, goes to school, and is totally involved with her friends. She is very excited to go to Costa Rica this summer with school. (Yuck! Mom isn't excited at all) Chase and Robby are BOYS! They are always tearing things apart, and sometimes put them back together! Little Dax is spoiled by everyone! He is the baby and gets his way with everyone. Well, that is alittle about our home and our personal "heaven". I will blog more about all of the kids and what they like and don't like. Thanks for reading!